Source code for pythonimmediate.communicate

from __future__ import annotations

Classes to facilitate communication between this process and the pytotex half.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import typing
import sys
from typing import List, Any, Optional, Dict, Type, TypeVar, IO, Callable
import dataclasses
from dataclasses import dataclass
from io import StringIO
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
from multiprocessing.connection import Client, Connection

char_to_communicator: Dict[str, Type[Communicator]]={}

T1=TypeVar("T1", bound="Communicator")

ListenForwarder=Callable[[], None]  # function that listens to data sent by a communicator and forward them to stdout

[docs]class Communicator(ABC): character = typing.cast(str, None)
[docs] @abstractmethod def send(self, data: bytes)->None: """ Send data. This function is called in the textopy part. """ ...
[docs] @staticmethod @abstractmethod def setup()->tuple[Communicator, ListenForwarder]: """ Constructs an communicator object, that can be used to send information to this process. The Communicator should be sent to the other process as part of the GlobalConfiguration object. The ListenForwarder should be called in this process. """ ...
@staticmethod @abstractmethod def is_available()->bool: ...
[docs]@dataclass class MultiprocessingNetworkCommunicator(Communicator): port: int connection: Optional[Connection]=dataclasses.field(default=None, repr=False)
[docs] def send(self, data: bytes)->None: if self.connection is None: self.address=("localhost", self.port) self.connection=Client(self.address) self.connection.send_bytes(data)
[docs] @staticmethod def setup()->tuple[MultiprocessingNetworkCommunicator, ListenForwarder]: from multiprocessing.connection import Listener # pick address randomly and create listener with it until it succeeds import socket import random while True: try: port = random.randint(1024, 65535) address=("localhost", port) listener=Listener(address) break except socket.error: pass def listen_forwarder()->None: with listener: with listener.accept() as connection: while True: try: data=connection.recv_bytes() sys.__stdout__.buffer.write(data) # will go to TeX sys.__stdout__.buffer.flush() except EOFError: break return MultiprocessingNetworkCommunicator(port), listen_forwarder
@staticmethod def is_available()->bool: return True
[docs]@dataclass class UnnamedPipeCommunicator(Communicator): pid: int fileno: int connection: Optional[IO[bytes]]=dataclasses.field(default=None, repr=False)
[docs] def send(self, data: bytes)->None: if self.connection is None: self.connection=open(f"/proc/{}/fd/{self.fileno}", "wb") self.connection.write(data) self.connection.flush() # just in case
[docs] @staticmethod def setup()->tuple[UnnamedPipeCommunicator, ListenForwarder]: import os r, w = os.pipe() def listen_forwarder()->None: closed_w=False # TODO if the other process never write anything, this will block forever for line in os.fdopen(r, "rb"): if not closed_w: os.close(w) # so that the loop will end when the other process closes the pipe closed_w=True sys.stdout.buffer.write(line) sys.stdout.buffer.flush() return UnnamedPipeCommunicator(os.getpid(), w), listen_forwarder
@staticmethod def is_available()->bool: import os from pathlib import Path return"posix" and Path("/proc").is_dir()
[docs]@dataclass class GlobalConfiguration: """ Represents the configuration. This will be parsed from command-line argument in pytotex using :meth:`from_args`, then sent to textopy side (which is where most of the processing is done) with a base64 of pickle encoding, on the textopy side a pseudo-config is created from the passed command-line arguments, then the real config is read in :class:`.ParentProcessEngine`'s constructor. Which means it's preferable to avoid any mutable state in the configuration object. """ debug: int=0 communicator: Communicator=typing.cast(Communicator, None) sanity_check_extra_line: bool=False debug_force_buffered: bool=False debug_log_communication: Optional[str]=None naive_flush: bool=False def __post_init__(self)->None: assert -9<=self.debug<=9 @staticmethod def from_args(args: argparse.Namespace, communicator: Communicator)->GlobalConfiguration: return GlobalConfiguration( debug=args.debug, communicator=communicator, sanity_check_extra_line=args.sanity_check_extra_line, debug_force_buffered=args.debug_force_buffered, debug_log_communication=args.debug_log_communication, naive_flush=args.naive_flush, )