pythonimmediate package


pythonimmediate.communicate module

class pythonimmediate.communicate.Communicator[source]

Bases: ABC

character = None
abstract static is_available() bool[source]
abstract send(data: bytes) None[source]

Send data. This function is called in the textopy part.

abstract static setup() tuple[Communicator, ListenForwarder][source]

Constructs an communicator object, that can be used to send information to this process.

The Communicator should be sent to the other process as part of the GlobalConfiguration object.

The ListenForwarder should be called in this process.

class pythonimmediate.communicate.GlobalConfiguration(debug: 'int' = 0, communicator: 'Communicator' = None, sanity_check_extra_line: 'bool' = False, debug_force_buffered: 'bool' = False, naive_flush: 'bool' = False)[source]

Bases: object

communicator: Communicator = None
debug: int = 0
debug_force_buffered: bool = False
static from_args(args: Namespace, communicator: Communicator) GlobalConfiguration[source]
naive_flush: bool = False
sanity_check_extra_line: bool = False
class pythonimmediate.communicate.MultiprocessingNetworkCommunicator(port: 'int', connection: 'Optional[Connection]' = None)[source]

Bases: Communicator

connection: Optional[Connection] = None
static is_available() bool[source]
port: int
send(data: bytes) None[source]

Send data. This function is called in the textopy part.

static setup() tuple[MultiprocessingNetworkCommunicator, ListenForwarder][source]

Constructs an communicator object, that can be used to send information to this process.

The Communicator should be sent to the other process as part of the GlobalConfiguration object.

The ListenForwarder should be called in this process.

class pythonimmediate.communicate.UnnamedPipeCommunicator(pid: 'int', fileno: 'int', connection: 'Optional[IO[bytes]]' = None)[source]

Bases: Communicator

connection: Optional[IO[bytes]] = None
fileno: int
static is_available() bool[source]
pid: int
send(data: bytes) None[source]

Send data. This function is called in the textopy part.

static setup() tuple[UnnamedPipeCommunicator, ListenForwarder][source]

Constructs an communicator object, that can be used to send information to this process.

The Communicator should be sent to the other process as part of the GlobalConfiguration object.

The ListenForwarder should be called in this process.

pythonimmediate.copy_to_stderr module

module to copy everything from stdin to stderr.

needed to allow TeX to write to stderr.

pythonimmediate.decode_8bit module

pythonimmediate.engine module

Abstract engine class.

class pythonimmediate.engine.ChildProcessEngine(engine_name: Literal['pdftex', 'xetex', 'luatex'], args: Iterable[str] = ())[source]

Bases: Engine

An object that represents a \(\TeX\) engine that runs as a subprocess of this process.

Can be used as a context manager to automatically close the subprocess when the context is exited.

For example, the following Python code, if run alone, will spawn a \(\TeX\) process and use it to write “Hello world” to a file named a.txt in the temporary directory:

from pythonimmediate.engine import ChildProcessEngine
from pythonimmediate import execute

with ChildProcessEngine("pdftex") as engine:
    # do something with the engine, for example:
    \immediate\write9{Hello world}
    ''', engine=engine)

# now the engine is closed.

Note that explicit engine argument must be passed in most functions.

See DefaultEngine for a way to bypass that.

close() None[source]

sent a r to the process so TeX exits gracefully.

this might be called from __del__() so do not import anything here.

get_process() Popen[source]
class pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine[source]

Bases: Engine

A convenience class that can be used to avoid passing explicit engine argument to functions.

This is not thread-safe.

Users should not instantiate this class directly. Instead, use default_engine.

Usage example:

execute("hello world")  # this is executed on engine=engine

See also


property config: GlobalConfiguration


engine: Optional[Engine]

Stores the engine being set internally.

Normally there’s no reason to access the internal engine directly, as self can be used like the engine inside.

get_engine() Engine[source]

Convenience helper function, return the engine.

All the other functions that use this one (those that make use of the engine) will raise RuntimeError if the engine is None.

property name: Literal['pdftex', 'xetex', 'luatex']


set_engine(engine: Optional[Engine]) SetDefaultEngineContextManager[source]

Set the default engine to another engine.

Can also be used as a context manager to revert to the original engine. Example:

with default_engine.set_engine(...):
    pass  # do something
# now the original engine is restored
class pythonimmediate.engine.Engine[source]

Bases: ABC

check_not_exited(message: str) None[source]

Internal function.

check_not_exited_after() None[source]

Internal function.

check_not_exited_before() None[source]

Internal function.

check_not_finished() None[source]

Internal function.

property config: GlobalConfiguration


property is_unicode: bool


property name: Literal['pdftex', 'xetex', 'luatex']


read() bytes[source]

Internal function.

Read one line from the engine.

It must not be EOF otherwise there’s an error.

The returned line does not contain the newline character.

write(s: bytes) None[source]
class pythonimmediate.engine.ParentProcessEngine(pseudo_config: GlobalConfiguration)[source]

Bases: Engine

Represent the engine if this process is started by the TeX’s pythonimmediate library.

This should not be used directly. Only pythonimmediate.main module should use this.

class pythonimmediate.engine.SetDefaultEngineContextManager(old_engine: Optional[Engine])[source]

Bases: object

Context manager, used in conjunction with default_engine.set_engine(…) to revert to the original engine.

old_engine: Optional[Engine]
pythonimmediate.engine.debug_possibly_shorten(line: str) str[source]
pythonimmediate.engine.default_engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>

A constant that can be used to avoid passing explicit engine argument to functions.

See documentation of DefaultEngine for more details.

For Python running inside a TeX process, useful attributes are name and is_unicode.

pythonimmediate.pytotex module

pythonimmediate.pytotex.get_parser() ArgumentParser[source]

pythonimmediate.simple module

Simple interface, suitable for users who may not be aware of \(\TeX\) subtleties, such as category codes.

This is only guaranteed to work properly in normal category code situations (in other words, \makeatletter or \ExplSyntaxOn are not officially supported). In all other cases, use the advanced API.

Nevertheless, there are still some parts that you must be aware of:

  • Any “output”, resulted from any command related to Python, can only be used to typeset text, it must not be used to pass “values” to other \(\TeX\) commands.

    This is already mentioned in the documentation of the \(\TeX\) file in \py command, just repeated here.

    For example:

    \py{1+1}  % legal, typeset 2
    \setcounter{abc}{\py{1+1}}  % illegal
    % the following is still illegal no many how many ``\expanded`` and such are used
    \py{ r'\\setcounter{abc}{' + str(1+1) + '}' }  % legal workaround

    Similar for commands defined with newcommand():

    def test():
        print_TeX("123", end="")

    Then the \(\TeX\) code:

    The result is \test.  % legal, typesets "123"
    \setcounter{abc}{\test}  % illegal
  • There’s the function fully_expand(), but some \(\TeX\) commands cannot be used inside this.

    Refer to the Note on unexpandable and fragile macros section for more details.

  • Regarding values being passed from \(\TeX\) to Python, you can do one of the following:

    • Either simply do \py{value = r'''#1'''}, or

    • \py{value = get_arg_str()}{#1}.

    You can easily see both forms are equivalent, except that in the first form, #1 cannot end with unbalanced \ or contain triple single quotes.

Start with reading newcommand() and execute(). Then read the rest of the functions in this module.

pythonimmediate.simple.define_char(char: str, engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) Callable[[T2], T2][source]

Define a character to do some specific action.

Can be used as a decorator:

def multiplication_sign():


It’s not recommended to define commonly-used characters, for example if you define n then commands whose name contains n cannot be used anymore.

As another example, if you define -, then commands like \draw (1, 2) -- (3, 4); in TikZ cannot be used.

undefine_char() can be used to undo the effect.

pythonimmediate.simple.execute(block: str, engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) None[source]

Run a block of \(\TeX\)-code (might consist of multiple lines).

A simple example is execute('123') which simply typesets 123 (with a trailing newline, see the note in newcommand() documentation).

This is similar to print_TeX() but it’s executed immediately, and any error is immediately reported with Python traceback points to the caller.

On the other hand, because this is executed immediately, each part must be “self-contained”. With print_TeX() you can do the following:

print_TeX(r"\abc", end="")
print_TeX(r"def", end="")

and a single command \abcdef will be executed, but it does not work with this method.

As another consequence, all execute() are done before all print_TeX() in the same block. For example:


will typeset 1 2 3 4.


For advanced users: it’s implemented with \scantokens, so catcode-changing commands are allowed inside.

pythonimmediate.simple.f1(s: str, globals: Optional[dict] = None, locals: Optional[dict] = None, escape: Optional[Union[Tuple[str, ...], str]] = None) str[source]

Helper function to construct a string from Python expression parts, similar to f-strings, but allow using arbitrary delimiters.

This is useful for constructing \(\TeX\) code, because the { and } characters are frequently used in \(\TeX\).


>>> a = 1
>>> b = 2
>>> f1("a=`a`, b=`b`")
'a=1, b=2'
>>> f1("`")
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Unbalanced delimiters!

The escape/delimiter character can be escaped by doubling it:

>>> f1("a``b")
>>> f1("a ` '````' ` b")
'a `` b'

It’s possible to customize the delimiters:

>>> f1("a=!a!", escape="!")

It’s possible to use different delimiters for the opening and the closing:

>>> f1("a=⟨a⟩, b=⟨b⟩", escape="⟨⟩")
'a=1, b=2'
>>> f1("<", escape="<>")
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Unbalanced delimiters!

There’s no way to escape them, they must be balanced in the string:

>>> f1("a=⟨ '⟨'+str(a)+'⟩' ⟩", escape="⟨⟩")

The default value of escape is stored in f1.default_escape, it can be reassigned:

>>> f1.default_escape="!"
>>> f1("a=!a!")
>>> f1.default_escape="`"

It’s even possible to use multiple characters as the delimiter:

>>> f1("a=**a**, b=**b**", escape=["**"])
'a=1, b=2'
>>> f1("a=[[a]], b=[[b]]", escape=["[[", "]]"])
'a=1, b=2'

In the first case above, remember to put the delimiter in a list because otherwise it will be interpreted as an opening and a closing delimiter.

Currently, format specifiers such as :d are not supported.

pythonimmediate.simple.fully_expand(content: str, engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) str[source]

Expand all macros in the given string.

Note on unexpandable and fragile macros

Not all \(\TeX\) commands/macros can be used inside this function. If you try to, they will either return the input unchanged, or error out.

In such cases, the problem is impossible to solve, so just look for workarounds.

An example is the \py command, which is already mentioned in the initial introduction to the simple module:

>> fully_expand(r"\py{1+1}")

Some other examples (assuming \usepackage{ifthen} is used):

>> execute(r'\ifthenelse{1=2}{equal}{not equal}')  # legal, typeset "not equal"
>> fully_expand(r'\ifthenelse{1=2}{equal}{not equal}')  # error out

>> execute(r'\uppercase{abc}')  # legal, typeset "ABC"
>> fully_expand(r'\uppercase{abc}')  # just returned verbatim
r'\uppercase {abc}'

There might be a few workarounds, but they’re all dependent on the exact macros involved.

For if-style commands, assign the desired result to a temporary variable:

>> execute(r'\ifthenelse{1=2}{\pyc{result = "equal"}}{\pyc{result = "not equal"}}')
>> result
"not equal"

For for-loop-style commands, you can do something similar (demonstrated here with tikz’s \foreach command):

>> result = []
>> execute(r'\foreach \x in {1, 2, ..., 10} {\pyc{result.append(var["x"])}}')
>> result
['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10']

For macros such as \uppercase{...}, there’s no simple workaround. Reimplement it yourself (such as with .upper() in Python).

pythonimmediate.simple.get_arg_estr(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) str[source]

Get a mandatory argument from the input stream, then process it as described in Note on argument expansion of estr-type functions.

Note on argument expansion of estr-type functions

These functions return a string, however they’re meant for strings other than \(\TeX\) code.

The argument is fully expanded, and any “escaped character” are passed as the character itself to Python.

The behavior is similar to that of the \py command argument processing, see also the \(\TeX\) package documentation.

Some examples: After the \(\TeX\) code \def\myvalue{123abc} is executed, then:

  • if the argument in \(\TeX\) code is {abc}, then the Python function will return "abc" (similar to as if get_arg_str() is used),

  • if the argument in \(\TeX\) code is {\%a\#b\\\~}, then the Python function will return r"%a#b\~",

  • if the argument in \(\TeX\) code is {\myvalue}, then the Python function will return "123abc".

pythonimmediate.simple.get_arg_str(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) str[source]

Get a mandatory argument from the input stream.

It’s slightly difficult to explain what this does, so here’s an example:

def foo():
    a = get_arg_str()
    b = get_arg_str()
    c = get_arg_str()

The above defines a \(\TeX\) function \foo, if it’s called in \(\TeX\) code as:


then the variable a will be the string "xx", b will be "yy", and c will be "zz".

Note on parameter tokenization


This function, as well as all the _str functions, return the argument that might be mangled in the following ways:

  • A space might be added after each command that consist of multiple characters

  • the ^^xx or ^^xxxx etc. notation is replaced by the character itself, or vice versa – literal tab character might get replaced with ^^I

  • multiple space characters may be collapsed into one

  • newline character may become space character

  • double-newline character may become \par

For example, \*\hell^^6F{  } may become the string r"\*\hello { }" in Python.

As such, verbatim-like commands in the argument are not supported. See get_verb_arg() for a workaround.

Nevertheless, if the argument consist of only “normal” \(\TeX\) commands, re-executing the string should do the same thing as the original code.

In case of doubt, print out the string and check it manually.


For advanced users:

This function corresponds to the m-type argument in xparse package.

It gets the argument, detokenize it, pass it through _replace_double_hash(), and return the result.

This is the simple API, as such it assumes normal category code values. Refer to BalancedTokenList.get_next() for a more advanced API.

pythonimmediate.simple.get_multiline_verb_arg(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) str[source]

Get a multi-line verbatim argument. Usage is identical to get_verb_arg(), except newline characters in the argument is supported.


in unusual category regime (such as that in \ExplSyntaxOn), it may return wrong result.

pythonimmediate.simple.get_next_char(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) str[source]

Return the character of the following token as with peek_next_char(), but also removes it from the input stream.

pythonimmediate.simple.get_optional_arg_estr(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) Optional[str][source]

Get an optional argument. See also Note on argument expansion of estr-type functions.

pythonimmediate.simple.get_optional_arg_str(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) Optional[str][source]

Get an optional argument. See also Note on parameter tokenization.


For advanced users: This function corresponds to the o-type argument in xparse package.

pythonimmediate.simple.get_verb_arg(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) str[source]

Get a verbatim argument.

Similar to \verb, defined \(\TeX\) commands that use this function can only be used at top level i.e. not inside any arguments.

This function behavior is identical to v-type argument in xparse package, you can use it like this:

\foo{xx%^\?}  % delimited with braces
\foo|xx%^\?|  % delimited with another symbol

See also

get_multiline_verb_arg() to support newline character in the argument.


Hard TAB character in the argument gives an error until the corresponding LaTeX3 bug is fixed, see

pythonimmediate.simple.is_balanced(content: str) bool[source]

Check if the given string is balanced, i.e. if all opening and closing braces match.

This is a bit tricky to implement, it’s recommended to use the library function.

For example:

>>> is_balanced("a{b}c")
>>> is_balanced("a{b}c}")
>>> is_balanced(r"\{")
pythonimmediate.simple.newcommand(name: str, f: Optional[Callable], engine: Engine) Callable[source]

Define a new \(\TeX\)-command.


def myfunction():
    print_TeX("Hello world!", end="")

The above is mostly equivalent to \newcommand{\myfunction}{Hello world!}, it defines a \(\TeX\) command \myfunction that prints Hello world!.

See also documentation of print_TeX() to understand the example above.

It can be used as either a decorator or a function:

def myfunction():
    print_TeX("Hello world!", end="")

newcommand("myfunction", myfunction)

An explicit command name can also be provided:

def myfunction():
    print_TeX("Hello world!", end="")

The above defines a \(\TeX\) command \hello that prints Hello world!.

If name is not provided, it’s automatically deduced from the Python function name.

The above is not by itself very useful. Read the documentation of the following functions sequentially for a guide on how to define commands that take arguments:

Then see also (as natural extensions of the above):

Note on trailing newline


Regarding the end="" part in the example above, it’s used to prevent a spurious space, otherwise if you run the \(\TeX\) code:

123\myfunction 456

it will be “equivalent” to:

123Hello world!

and the newline inserts a space.

Internally, the feature is implemented by appending % to the last line, as most of the time the code:

123Hello world!%

will be equivalent to:

123Hello world!456

but in unusual category code cases or cases of malformed \(\TeX\) code (such as a trailing backslash at the end of the line), it may not be equivalent. Use the advanced API, or always include a final newline and manually add the comment character, if these cases happen.

pythonimmediate.simple.newenvironment(name: str, f: Optional[Callable], engine: Engine) Callable[source]

Define a new \(\TeX\) normal environment.

Note that the environment will normally not have access to the body of the environment, see newenvironment_verb() for some alternatives.

  • name – the name of the environment, e.g. "myenv" or "myenv*".

  • f – a function that should execute the code for the begin part of the environment, yield, then execute the code for the end part of the environment.

  • engine – the engine to use.

Usage example:

def myenv():
    x=random.randint(1, 100)
    print_TeX(f"begin {x}")
    print_TeX(f"end {x}")

then the following \(\TeX\) code:

Hello world!

might typeset the following content:

begin 42
begin 24
Hello world!
end 24
end 42

Functions such as get_arg_str() etc. can also be used in the first part of the function to take arguments.

If the name is omitted, the function name is used as the environment name.

It can be used either as a decorator or a function, see newcommand() for details.

pythonimmediate.simple.newenvironment_verb(name: str, f: Optional[Callable], engine: Engine) Callable[source]

Define a new \(\TeX\) environment that reads its body verbatim.

Note that space characters at the end of each line are removed.

The environment must not take any argument. For example the following built-in tabular environment takes some argument, so cannot be implemented with this function:


It can be used either as a decorator or a function, see newenvironment() for details.

Some usage example:

def myenv(body: str):
    execute(body.replace("a", "b"))

If later the following \(\TeX\) code is executed:


then the value of the variable body will be "aaa\n", and the following content will be typeset:



For advanced users: unlike a typical environment, the code will not be executed in a new \(\TeX\) group.

pythonimmediate.simple.peek_next_char(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) str[source]

Get the character of the following token, or empty string if it’s not a character.

This function can be used as follows to simulate e-type argument specifiers of xparse:

if peek_next_char()=="^":
    result = get_arg_str()
    # the following content in the input stream is ``^{...}`` and we stored the content inside to ``result``
    pass  # there's no ``^...`` following in the input stream

It can also simulate s-type argument specifier (optional star):

if peek_next_char()=="*":
    # there's a star
    pass  # there's no star

It can even simulate o-type argument specifier (optional argument delimited by [...]):

if peek_next_char()=="[":
    get_next_char()  # skip the `[`
    while True:
        if peek_next_char():
            if c=="]": break
            # following in the input stream must be a control sequence, such as `\relax`
    # now result contains the content inside the `[...]`
    pass  # there's no optional argument

Note that the above does not take into account the balance of braces or brackets, so:

  • If the following content in the input is [ab{cd]ef}gh] then the result will be ab{cd.

  • If the following content in the input is [ab[cd]ef] then the result will be ab[cd.


For advanced users:

This function uses peek_next_meaning() under the hood to get the meaning of the following token. See that function documentation for a warning on undefined behavior.

Will also return nonempty if the next token is an implicit character token. This case is not supported and might give random error.

pythonimmediate.simple.print_TeX(*args, **kwargs) None[source]

Unlike other packages, the normal print() function prints to the console.

This function can be used to print \(\TeX\) code to be executed. For example:

print_TeX("Hello world!")

It can also be used inside a custom-defined command, see the documentation of newcommand() for an example.

The signature is identical to that of print(). Passing explicit file= argument is not allowed.

Remark: normally the print() function prints out a newline with each invocation. A newline will appear as a spurious space in the output Use print_TeX(end="") to prevent this, see Note on trailing newline.

pythonimmediate.simple.put_next(arg: str, engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) None[source]

Put some content forward in the input stream.



The content, must be a single line.

Note that there must not be any verbatim-like commands in the argument, so for example put_next(r"\verb|a|") is not allowed.

If there might be verbatim-like arguments, the problem is (almost) unsolvable. Refer to print_TeX() or execute() for workarounds, or use the advanced interface such as pythonimmediate.BalancedTokenList.put_next().

For example, if the following content in the input stream are {abc}{def}:

s = get_arg_str()  # s = "abc"
t = get_arg_str()  # t = "def"
put_next("{" + t + "}")
put_next("{" + s + "}")

After the above code, the content in the input stream is “mostly unchanged”.


For advanced users: the argument is tokenized in the current category regime.

pythonimmediate.simple.renewcommand(name: str, f: Optional[Callable], engine: Engine) Callable[source]

Redefine a \(\TeX\)-command. Usage is similar to newcommand().

pythonimmediate.simple.run_tokenized_line_local(line: str, *, check_braces: bool = True, check_newline: bool = True, check_continue: bool = True, engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) None[source]
pythonimmediate.simple.split_balanced(content: str, separator: str) List[str][source]

Split the given string at the given substring, but only if the parts are balanced.

This is a bit tricky to implement, it’s recommended to use the library function.

If either content or separator is unbalanced, the function will raise ValueError.

For example:

>>> split_balanced("a{b,c},c{d}", ",")
['a{b,c}', 'c{d}']
>>> split_balanced(r"\{,\}", ",")
['\\{', '\\}']
>>> split_balanced("{", "{")
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Content is not balanced!
pythonimmediate.simple.strip_optional_braces(content: str) str[source]

Strip the optional braces from the given string, if the whole string is wrapped in braces.

For example:

>>> strip_optional_braces("{a}")
>>> strip_optional_braces("a")
>>> strip_optional_braces("{a},{b}")
pythonimmediate.simple.undefine_char(char: str, engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) None[source]

The opposite of define_char().

pythonimmediate.simple.var = VarManager(engine=<pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>)

Get and set value of “variables” in \(\TeX\).

Can be used like this:

var["myvar"]="myvalue"  # "equivalent" to \def\myvar{myvalue}
var["myvar"]=r"\textbf{123}"  # "equivalent" to \def\myvar{\textbf{123}}
var["myvar"]=r"\def\test#1{#1}"  # "equivalent" to \tl_set:Nn \myvar {\def\test#1{#1}}  (note that `#` doesn't need to be doubled here unlike in `\def`)
var(engine)["myvar"]="myvalue"  # pass explicit engine

# after ``\def\myvar{myvalue}`` (or ``\edef``, etc.) on TeX you can do:
print(var["myvar"])  # get the value of the variable, return a string

It’s currently undefined behavior if the passed-in value is not a “variable”. (in some future version additional checking might be performed in debug run)

Notes in Note on parameter tokenization apply – in other words, after you set a value it may become slightly different when read back.

pythonimmediate.textopy module

pythonimmediate.textopy.main() None[source]

Module contents

class pythonimmediate.BalancedTokenList(a: Iterable = ())[source]

Bases: TokenList

Represents a balanced token list.

Some useful methods to interact with \(\TeX\) include expand_o(), expand_x(), get_next() and put_next(). See the corresponding methods’ documentation for usage examples.

See also Token list construction for shorthands to construct token lists in Python code.


Runtime checking is not strictly enforced, use is_balanced() method explicitly if you need to check.

detokenize(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) str[source]

a string, equal to the result of \detokenize applied to this token list.

execute(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) None[source]

Execute this token list. It must not “peek ahead” in the input stream.

For example the token list \catcode1=2\relax can be executed safely (and sets the corresponding category code), but there’s no guarantee what will be assigned to \tmp when \futurelet\tmp is executed.

expand_o(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) BalancedTokenList[source]

Return the o-expansion of this token list.

The result must be balanced, otherwise the behavior is undefined.

expand_x(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) BalancedTokenList[source]

Return the x-expansion of this token list.

The result must be balanced, otherwise the behavior is undefined.

static get_next(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) BalancedTokenList[source]

Get an (undelimited) argument from the \(\TeX\) input stream.

put_next(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) None[source]

Put this token list forward in the input stream.

class pythonimmediate.BlueToken(token: Token)[source]

Bases: NToken

Represents a blue token (see documentation of NToken).

property no_blue: Token

Return the result of this token after being “touched”, which drops its blue status if any.

property noexpand: BlueToken

Return the result of \noexpand applied on this token.

put_next(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) None[source]

Put this token forward in the input stream.

repr1() str[source]
token: Token

alias of Catcode

class pythonimmediate.Catcode(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

This class contains a shorthand to allow creating a token with little Python code. The individual Catcode objects can be called with either a character or a character code to create the object:

Catcode.letter("a")  # creates a token with category code letter and character code "a"=chr(97)
Catcode.letter(97)  # same as above

Both of the above forms are equivalent to CharacterToken(index=97, catcode=Catcode.letter).

See also Token list construction for more ways of constructing token lists.

active = 13
alignment = 4
begin_group = 1
bgroup = 1
comment = 14
egroup = 2
end_group = 2
end_of_line = 5
escape = 0
property for_token: bool

Return whether a CharacterToken may have this catcode.

ignored = 9
invalid = 15
letter = 11
line = 5
math = 3
math_subscript = 8
math_superscript = 7
math_toggle = 3
other = 12
paragraph = 5
param = 6
parameter = 6
space = 10
subscript = 8
superscript = 7
class pythonimmediate.CharacterToken(index: 'int', catcode: 'Catcode')[source]

Bases: Token

property assignable: bool

Whether this token can be assigned to i.e. it’s control sequence or active character.

property can_blue: bool

Return whether this token can possibly be blue i.e. expandable.

catcode: Catcode
property chr: str

The character of this token. For example Catcode.letter("a").chr=="a".

degree() int[source]

return the imbalance degree for this token ({ -> 1, } -> -1, everything else -> 0)

index: int

The character code of this token. For example Catcode.letter("a").index==97.

repr1() str[source]
serialize() str[source]

Internal function, serialize this token to be able to pass to \(\TeX\).

simple_detokenize(get_catcode: Callable[[int], Catcode]) str[source]

Simple approximate detokenizer, implemented in Python.

str_unicode() str[source]

self must represent a character of a \(\TeX\) string. (i.e. equal to itself when detokenized)


the string content.

class pythonimmediate.ControlSequenceToken(csname: str)[source]

Bases: Token

Represents a control sequence.

Note that currently, on non-Unicode engines, the csname field is represented in a particular way: each character represents a byte in the TokenList, and thus it has character code no more than 255.

So for example, the control sequence obtained by expanding \csname ℝ\endcsname once has .csname field equal to "\xe2\x84\x9d" (which has len=3).

property assignable: bool

Whether this token can be assigned to i.e. it’s control sequence or active character.

can_blue = True
csname: str
make = <pythonimmediate.ControlSequenceTokenMaker object>

Refer to the documentation of ControlSequenceTokenMaker.

repr1() str[source]
serialize() str[source]

Internal function, serialize this token to be able to pass to \(\TeX\).

simple_detokenize(get_catcode: Callable[[int], Catcode]) str[source]

Simple approximate detokenizer, implemented in Python.

class pythonimmediate.ControlSequenceTokenMaker(prefix: str)[source]

Bases: object

Shorthand to create control sequence objects in Python easier.

There’s a default one that can be used as, if you assign T=ControlSequenceToken.make, then T.hello returns the token \hello.

class pythonimmediate.FrozenRelaxToken[source]

Bases: Token

assignable = False
can_blue = False
repr1() str[source]
serialize() str[source]

Internal function, serialize this token to be able to pass to \(\TeX\).

simple_detokenize(get_catcode: Callable[[int], Catcode]) str[source]

Simple approximate detokenizer, implemented in Python.

class pythonimmediate.NToken[source]

Bases: ABC

Represent a possibly-notexpanded token. For convenience, a notexpanded token is called a blue token. It’s not always possible to determine the notexpanded status of a following token in the input stream.

Implementation note: Token objects must be frozen.

degree() int[source]

return the imbalance degree for this token ({ -> 1, } -> -1, everything else -> 0)

meaning_equal(other: NToken, engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) bool[source]

Whether this token is the same in meaning as the token specified in the parameter other.

Note that two tokens might have different meaning despite having equal meaning_str().

meaning_str(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) str[source]

get the meaning of this token as a string.

Note that all blue tokens have the meaning equal to \relax (or [unknown command code! (0, 1)] in a buggy LuaTeX implementation) with the backslash replaced by the current escapechar.

abstract property no_blue: Token

Return the result of this token after being “touched”, which drops its blue status if any.

abstract property noexpand: NToken

Return the result of \noexpand applied on this token.

abstract put_next(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>)[source]

Put this token forward in the input stream.

abstract repr1() str[source]
str_unicode() str[source]

self must represent a character of a \(\TeX\) string. (i.e. equal to itself when detokenized)


the string content.

class pythonimmediate.NTokenList(a: Iterable = ())[source]

Bases: UserList

Similar to TokenList, but can contain blue tokens.

The class can be used identical to a Python list consist of NToken objects, plus some additional methods to operate on token lists.

Refer to the documentation of TokenList for some usage example.

bool() bool[source]

Internal function. self must represent a \(\TeX\) string either equal to “0” or “1”.


the boolean represented by the string.

execute(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) None[source]

See BalancedTokenList.execute().

expand_x(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) BalancedTokenList[source]

See BalancedTokenList.expand_x().

static force_token_list(a: Iterable) Iterable[NToken][source]
is_balanced() bool[source]

Check if this is balanced.

put_next(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) None[source]

See BalancedTokenList.put_next().

simple_parts() List[Union[BalancedTokenList, Token, BlueToken]][source]

Internal function.

Split this NTokenList into a list of balanced non-blue parts, unbalanced {/} tokens, and blue tokens.

str(engine: Engine) str[source]

self must represent a \(\TeX\) string. (i.e. equal to itself when detokenized)


the string content.

str_unicode() str[source]

self must represent a \(\TeX\) string. (i.e. equal to itself when detokenized)


the string content.


In non-Unicode engines, each token will be replaced with a character with character code equal to the character code of that token. UTF-8 characters with character code >=0x80 will be represented by multiple characters in the returned string.

class pythonimmediate.PTTBalancedTokenList(data: 'BalancedTokenList')[source]

Bases: PyToTeXData

data: BalancedTokenList

S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str

Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs. The substitutions are identified by braces (‘{‘ and ‘}’).

serialize(engine: Engine) bytes[source]

Return a bytes object that can be passed to engine.write() directly.

class pythonimmediate.PTTBlock(data: 'str')[source]

Bases: PyToTeXData

data: str

S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str

Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs. The substitutions are identified by braces (‘{‘ and ‘}’).

serialize(engine: Engine) bytes[source]

Return a bytes object that can be passed to engine.write() directly.

class pythonimmediate.PTTInt(data: 'int')[source]

Bases: PyToTeXData

data: int

S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str

Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs. The substitutions are identified by braces (‘{‘ and ‘}’).

serialize(engine: Engine) bytes[source]

Return a bytes object that can be passed to engine.write() directly.

class pythonimmediate.PTTTeXLine(data: str)[source]

Bases: PyToTeXData

Represents a line to be tokenized in TeX’s current catcode regime. The trailing newline is not included, i.e. it’s tokenized under \endlinechar=-1.

data: str

S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str

Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs. The substitutions are identified by braces (‘{‘ and ‘}’).

serialize(engine: Engine) bytes[source]

Return a bytes object that can be passed to engine.write() directly.

class pythonimmediate.PTTVerbatimLine(data: 'str')[source]

Bases: PyToTeXData

data: str

S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str

Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs. The substitutions are identified by braces (‘{‘ and ‘}’).

serialize(engine: Engine) bytes[source]

Return a bytes object that can be passed to engine.write() directly.

class pythonimmediate.PTTVerbatimRawLine(data: bytes)[source]

Bases: PyToTeXData

Represents a line to be tokenized verbatim. Internally the \readline primitive is used, as such, any trailing spaces are stripped. The trailing newline is not included, i.e. it’s read under \endlinechar=-1.

data: bytes

S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str

Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs. The substitutions are identified by braces (‘{‘ and ‘}’).

serialize(engine: Engine) bytes[source]

Return a bytes object that can be passed to engine.write() directly.

class pythonimmediate.PyToTeXData[source]

Bases: ABC

Internal class (for now). Represent a data type that can be sent from Python to \(\TeX\).

abstract static read_code(var: str) str[source]

Takes an argument, the variable name (with backslash prefixed such as "\abc".)


some \(\TeX\) code that when executed in expl3 category code regime,

will read a value of the specified data type and assign it to the variable.

abstract serialize(engine: Engine) bytes[source]

Return a bytes object that can be passed to engine.write() directly.

class pythonimmediate.PythonCallTeXFunctionType(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Protocol

class pythonimmediate.PythonCallTeXSyncFunctionType(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: PythonCallTeXFunctionType, Protocol

class pythonimmediate.Python_call_TeX_data(TeX_code: 'str', recursive: 'bool', finish: 'bool', sync: 'Optional[bool]')[source]

Bases: object

TeX_code: str
finish: bool
recursive: bool
sync: Optional[bool]
class pythonimmediate.Python_call_TeX_extra(ptt_argtypes: 'Tuple[Type[PyToTeXData], ...]', ttp_argtypes: 'Union[Type[TeXToPyData], Tuple[Type[TeXToPyData], ...]]')[source]

Bases: object

ptt_argtypes: Tuple[Type[PyToTeXData], ...]
ttp_argtypes: Union[Type[TeXToPyData], Tuple[Type[TeXToPyData], ...]]
pythonimmediate.Python_call_TeX_local(TeX_code: str, *, recursive: bool = True, sync: Optional[bool] = None, finish: bool = False) Callable[source]

Internal function. See scan_Python_call_TeX().

class pythonimmediate.RedirectPrintTeX(t)[source]

Bases: object

class pythonimmediate.TTPBalancedTokenList(a: Iterable = ())[source]

Bases: TeXToPyData, BalancedTokenList

static read(engine: Engine) TTPBalancedTokenList[source]

Given that \(\TeX\) has just sent the data, read into a Python object.


S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str

Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs. The substitutions are identified by braces (‘{‘ and ‘}’).


S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str

Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs. The substitutions are identified by braces (‘{‘ and ‘}’).

class pythonimmediate.TTPBlock[source]

Bases: TeXToPyData, str

static read(engine: Engine) TTPBlock[source]

Given that \(\TeX\) has just sent the data, read into a Python object.


S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str

Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs. The substitutions are identified by braces (‘{‘ and ‘}’).


S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str

Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs. The substitutions are identified by braces (‘{‘ and ‘}’).

class pythonimmediate.TTPEBlock[source]

Bases: TeXToPyData, str

A kind of argument that interprets “escaped string” and fully expand anything inside. For example, {\} sends a single backslash to Python, {{} sends a single ‘{‘ to Python. Done by fully expand the argument in escapechar=-1 and convert it to a string. Additional precaution is needed, see the note above.

static read(engine: Engine) TTPEBlock[source]

Given that \(\TeX\) has just sent the data, read into a Python object.


S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str

Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs. The substitutions are identified by braces (‘{‘ and ‘}’).


S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str

Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs. The substitutions are identified by braces (‘{‘ and ‘}’).

class pythonimmediate.TTPELine[source]

Bases: TeXToPyData, str

Same as TTPEBlock, but for a single line only.

static read(engine: Engine) TTPELine[source]

Given that \(\TeX\) has just sent the data, read into a Python object.


S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str

Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs. The substitutions are identified by braces (‘{‘ and ‘}’).


S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str

Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs. The substitutions are identified by braces (‘{‘ and ‘}’).

class pythonimmediate.TTPEmbeddedLine[source]

Bases: TeXToPyData, str

static read(engine: Engine) TTPEmbeddedLine[source]

Given that \(\TeX\) has just sent the data, read into a Python object.

static send_code(self) str[source]

Return some \(\TeX\) code that sends the argument to Python, where arg represents a token list or equivalent (such as #1).

static send_code_var(self) str[source]

Return some \(\TeX\) code that sends the argument to Python, where var represents a token list variable (such as \l__my_var_tl) that contains the content to be sent.

class pythonimmediate.TTPLine[source]

Bases: TeXToPyData, str

static read(engine: Engine) TTPLine[source]

Given that \(\TeX\) has just sent the data, read into a Python object.


S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str

Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs. The substitutions are identified by braces (‘{‘ and ‘}’).


S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str

Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs. The substitutions are identified by braces (‘{‘ and ‘}’).

class pythonimmediate.TTPRawLine[source]

Bases: TeXToPyData, bytes

static read(engine: Engine) TTPRawLine[source]

Given that \(\TeX\) has just sent the data, read into a Python object.


S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str

Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs. The substitutions are identified by braces (‘{‘ and ‘}’).


S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str

Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs. The substitutions are identified by braces (‘{‘ and ‘}’).

class pythonimmediate.TeXToPyData[source]

Bases: ABC

Internal class (for now). Represent a data type that can be sent from \(\TeX\) to Python.

abstract static read(engine: Engine) TeXToPyData[source]

Given that \(\TeX\) has just sent the data, read into a Python object.

abstract static send_code(arg: str) str[source]

Return some \(\TeX\) code that sends the argument to Python, where arg represents a token list or equivalent (such as #1).

abstract static send_code_var(var: str) str[source]

Return some \(\TeX\) code that sends the argument to Python, where var represents a token list variable (such as \l__my_var_tl) that contains the content to be sent.

class pythonimmediate.Token[source]

Bases: NToken

Represent a \(\TeX\) token, excluding the notexpanded possibility. See also documentation of NToken.

assign(other: NToken, engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) None[source]

Assign the meaning of this token to be equivalent to that of the other token.

assign_future(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) None[source]

Assign the meaning of this token to be equivalent to that of the following token in the input stream.

For example if this token is \a, and the input stream starts with bcde, then \a’s meaning will be assigned to that of the explicit character b.


Tokenizes one more token in the input stream, and remove its blue status if any.

assign_futurenext(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) None[source]

Assign the meaning of this token to be equivalent to that of the second-next token in the input stream.

For example if this token is \a, and the input stream starts with bcde, then \a’s meaning will be assigned to that of the explicit character c.


Tokenizes two more tokens in the input stream, and remove their blue status if any.

assign_value(content: BalancedTokenList) None[source]

Given self is an expl3 tl-variable, assign content to it locally.

abstract property assignable: bool

Whether this token can be assigned to i.e. it’s control sequence or active character.

property blue: BlueToken

Return a BlueToken containing self. can_blue must be true.

abstract property can_blue: bool

Return whether this token can possibly be blue i.e. expandable.

static deserialize(s: str | bytes) Token[source]

See documentation of TokenList.deserialize().

Always return a single token.

static deserialize_bytes(data: bytes, engine: Engine) Token[source]

See documentation of TokenList.deserialize_bytes().

Always return a single token.

static get_next(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) Token[source]

Get the following token.


in LaTeX3 versions without the commit sometimes this may error out.


because of the internal implementation of \peek_analysis_map_inline:n, this may tokenize up to 2 tokens ahead (including the returned token), as well as occasionally return the wrong token in unavoidable cases.

property no_blue: Token

Return the result of this token after being “touched”, which drops its blue status if any.

property noexpand: NToken

Return the result of \noexpand applied on this token.

static peek_next(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) Token[source]

Get the following token without removing it from the input stream.

Equivalent to get_next() then put_next() immediately. See documentation of get_next() for some notes.

put_next(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) None[source]

Put this token forward in the input stream.

abstract serialize() str[source]

Internal function, serialize this token to be able to pass to \(\TeX\).

abstract simple_detokenize(get_catcode: Callable[[int], Catcode]) str[source]

Simple approximate detokenizer, implemented in Python.

value(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) BalancedTokenList[source]

given self is a expl3 tl-variable, return the content.

value_str(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) str[source]

given self is a expl3 str-variable, return the content.

class pythonimmediate.TokenList(a: Iterable = ())[source]

Bases: UserList

Represent a \(\TeX\) token list, none of which can contain a blue token.

The class can be used identical to a Python list consist of Token objects, plus some additional methods to operate on token lists.

The list of tokens represented by this class does not need to be balanced. Usually you would want to use BalancedTokenList instead.

Token list construction

There are some functions to quickly construct token lists, see from_string() and __init__().

__init__() is the constructor of the class, for a TokenList it can be used as follows:

  • Given an existing token list, construct a copy (this usage is identical to that of the Python list constructor):

    a=TokenList.doc("hello world")
  • Construct a token list from a list of tokens:

    a=TokenList([Catcode.letter("a"), Catcode.other("b"), T.test])

    The above will define a to be ab\test, provided T is the object referred to in ControlSequenceTokenMaker.

    See also Catcode for the explanation of the Catcode.letter("a") form.

  • Construct a token list, using lists to represent nesting levels:

    a=TokenList([T.edef, T.a, [T.x, T.y]])

    The above creates a token list with content \edef\a{\x\y}.

The constructor of other classes such as BalancedTokenList and NTokenList works the same way.

property balanced: BalancedTokenList

self must be balanced.


a BalancedTokenList containing the content of this object.

balanced_parts() List[Union[BalancedTokenList, Token]][source]

Internal function, used for serialization and sending to \(\TeX\).

Split this TokenList into a list of balanced parts and unbalanced {/} tokens.

bool() bool[source]

See NTokenList.bool().

check_balanced() None[source]

ensure that this is balanced.


ValueError – if this is not balanced.

classmethod deserialize(data: str | bytes) TokenListType[source]
classmethod deserialize_bytes(data: bytes, engine: Engine) TokenListType[source]

Internal function.

Given a bytes object read directly from the engine, deserialize it.

classmethod doc(s: str) TokenListType[source]

Approximate tokenizer in document (normal) catcode regime.

Refer to documentation of from_string() for details.

Usage example:

BalancedTokenList.doc(r'\def\a{b}')  # returns an instance of BalancedTokenList with the expected content
BalancedTokenList.doc('}')  # raises an error
TokenList.doc('}')  # returns an instance of TokenList with the expected content
classmethod e3(s: str) TokenListType[source]

Approximate tokenizer in expl3 (\ExplSyntaxOn) catcode regime.

Refer to documentation of from_string() for details.

Usage example:

BalancedTokenList.e3(r'\cs_new_protected:Npn \__mymodule_myfunction:n #1 { #1 #1 }')
# returns an instance of BalancedTokenList with the expected content
execute(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) None[source]

Execute this token list. It must not “peek ahead” in the input stream.

For example the token list \catcode1=2\relax can be executed safely (and sets the corresponding category code), but there’s no guarantee what will be assigned to \tmp when \futurelet\tmp is executed.

expand_x(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) BalancedTokenList[source]

Return the x-expansion of this token list.

The result must be balanced, otherwise the behavior is undefined.

static force_token_list(a: Iterable) Iterable[Token][source]
classmethod from_string(s: str, get_catcode: Callable[[int], Catcode]) TokenListType[source]

Approximate tokenizer implemented in Python.

Convert a string to a TokenList (or some subclass of it such as BalancedTokenList approximately.

This is an internal function and should not be used directly. Use one of e3() or doc() instead.

These are used to allow constructing a TokenList object in Python without being too verbose. Refer to Token list construction for alternatives.

The tokenization algorithm is slightly different from \(\TeX\)’s in the following respect:

  • multiple spaces are collapsed to one space, but only if it has character code space (32). i.e. in expl3 catcode, ~~ get tokenized to two spaces.

  • spaces with character code different from space (32) after a control sequence is not ignored. i.e. in expl3 catcode, ~ always become a space.

  • ^^ syntax are not supported. Use Python’s escape syntax (e.g. ) as usual (of course that does not work in raw Python strings r"...").


get_catcode – A function that given a character code, return its desired category code.

is_balanced() bool[source]

See NTokenList.is_balanced().

static iterable_from_string(s: str, get_catcode: Callable[[int], Catcode]) Iterable[Token][source]

refer to documentation of from_string() for details.

put_next(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) None[source]

Put this token list forward in the input stream.

serialize() str[source]
serialize_bytes(engine: Engine) bytes[source]

Internal function.

Given an engine, serialize it in a form that is suitable for writing directly to the engine.

simple_detokenize(get_catcode: Callable[[int], Catcode]) str[source]
str(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) str[source]

See NTokenList.str().

str_unicode() str[source]

See NTokenList.str_unicode().

pythonimmediate.bootstrap_code_functions: list[EngineDependentCode] = [<function _naive_flush_data_define>, functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__read_do_one_command: {\n\t\\begingroup\n\t\t\\endlinechar=-1~\n\t\t\\readline \\__read_file to \\__line\n\t\t\\expandafter\n\t\\endgroup % also this will give an error instead of silently do nothing when command is invalid\n\t\t\\csname __run_ \\__line :\\endcsname\n}\n\n\n% read documentation of ``_peek`` commands for details what this command does.\n\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\pythonimmediatecontinue #1 {\n\t\\__send_content:e {r #1 %naive_inline% }\n\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n}\n\n\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\pythonimmediatecontinuenoarg {\n\t\\pythonimmediatecontinue {}\n}\n\n\n\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__send_content:n #1 {\n\t\\__send_content:e { \\unexpanded{#1} }\n}\n\n\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__send_content_naive_flush:e #1 {\n\t\\__send_content:e { #1 %naive_inline% }\n}\n\n\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__send_content_naive_flush:n #1 {\n\t\\__send_content_naive_flush:e { \\unexpanded{#1} }\n}\n\n% the names are such that \\__send_content%naive_send%:n {something} results in the correct content\n\n% internal function. Just send an arbitrary block of data to Python.\n% this function only works properly when newlinechar = 10.\n\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__send_block:e #1 {\n\t\\__send_content:e {\n\t\t#1 ^^J\n\t\tpythonimm?"""?\'\'\'?  % following character will be newline\n\t}\n}\n\n\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__send_block:n #1 {\n\t\\__send_block:e {\\unexpanded{#1}}\n}\n\n\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__send_block_naive_flush:e #1 {\n\t\\__send_content:e {\n\t\t#1 ^^J\n\t\tpythonimm?"""?\'\'\'?  % following character will be newline\n\t\t%naive_inline%\n\t}\n}\n\n\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__send_block_naive_flush:n #1 {\n\t\\__send_block_naive_flush:e {\\unexpanded{#1}}\n}\n\n\\cs_generate_variant:Nn \\__send_block:n {V}\n\\cs_generate_variant:Nn \\__send_block_naive_flush:n {V}\n\n\\AtEndDocument{\n\t\\__send_content:e {r %naive_inline%}\n\t\\__close_write:\n}\n'), <function mark_bootstrap.<locals>.<lambda>>, functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\py#1 {\n\t\t\\__send_content:e { i a }\n\t\t\\__begingroup_setup_estr: \\__send_block%naive_send%:e { #1 } \\endgroup\n\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t}\n\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\pyfile#1 {\n\t\t\\__send_content:e { i b }\n\t\t\\__begingroup_setup_estr: \\__send_content%naive_send%:e { #1 } \\endgroup\n\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t}\n\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\pyc#1 {\n\t\t\\__send_content:e { i c }\n\t\t\\__begingroup_setup_estr: \\__send_block%naive_send%:e { #1 } \\endgroup\n\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t}\n\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\pycq#1 {\n\t\t\\__send_content:e { i d }\n\t\t\\__begingroup_setup_estr: \\__send_block%naive_send%:e { #1 } \\endgroup\n\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t}\n\t'), <function mark_bootstrap.<locals>.<lambda>>, <function mark_bootstrap.<locals>.<lambda>>, functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__pycodex#1#2#3#4 {\n\t\t\\__send_content:e { i e }\n\t\t\\__send_block:n { #1 } \\__send_content:n { #2 }\\__send_content:n { #3 }\\__send_content%naive_send%:n { #4 }\n\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t}\n\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\\cs_new_eq:NN \\__run_f: \\relax\n'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\\msg_new:nnn {pythonimmediate} {python-error} {Python~error:~#1.}\n\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_g: {\n\t\\__read_block:N \\__data\n\t\\__read_block:N \\__summary\n\t\\wlog{^^JPython~error~traceback:^^J\\__data^^J}\n    \\msg_error:nnx {pythonimmediate} {python-error} {\\__summary}\n}\n'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_h: {\n\t\t\t\\__read_block:N \\__data\n\t\t\t\\begingroup \\newlinechar=10~ \\expandafter \\endgroup\n\t\t\t\\scantokens \\expandafter{\\__data}\n\t\t\t% trick described in to scantokens the code with \\newlinechar=10\n\n\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:e { r }\n\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t}\n\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\\cs_new_eq:NN \\__run_i: \\relax\n\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_j: { \\expandafter \\pythonimmediatecontinuenoarg }\n\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__peek_next_meaning_callback: {\n\n\t\t\t\t\\edef \\__tmp {\\meaning \\__tmp}  % just in case ``\\__tmp`` is outer, ``\\write`` will not be able to handle it\n\t\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:e { r \\__tmp }\n\n\t\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_k: {\n\t\t\t\t\\futurelet \\__tmp \\__peek_next_meaning_callback:\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_l: {\n\t\t\t\t\\__str_get:N \\__data  \\__tldeserialize_dot:NV \\__data \\__data\n\t\t\t\t\\expandafter \\futurelet \\__data \\pythonimmediatecontinuenoarg\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_m: {\n\t\t\t\t\\__str_get:N \\__data  \\__tldeserialize_dot:NV \\__data \\__data\n\t\t\t\t\\afterassignment \\pythonimmediatecontinuenoarg \\expandafter \\futurelet \\__data \n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__put_next_blue_tmp {\n\t\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:e { r }\n\t\t\t\t\\expandafter \\__read_do_one_command: \\noexpand\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_n: {\n\t\t\t\t\\__str_get:N \\__target  \\__tldeserialize_dot:NV \\__target \\__target\n\t\t\t\t\\expandafter \\__put_next_blue_tmp \\__target\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_o: {\n\t\t\t\t\\__str_get:N \\__data  \\__tldeserialize_dot:NV \\__data \\__data\n\t\t\t\t\\exp_args:NNV \\tl_set:No \\__data \\__data\n\t\t\t\t\\__send_content:e { r }\n\t\t\t\t\\__tlserialize_nodot:NV \\__tmp \\__data \\__send_content%naive_send%:e {\\unexpanded\\expandafter{ \\__tmp } }\n\t\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_p: {\n\t\t\t\\__str_get:N \\__data  \\__tldeserialize_dot:NV \\__data \\__data\n\t\t\t\\tl_set:Nx \\__data {\\__data}\n\t\t\t\\__send_content:e { r }\n\t\t\t\\__tlserialize_nodot:NV \\__tmp \\__data \\__send_content%naive_send%:e {\\unexpanded\\expandafter{ \\__tmp } }\n\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t}\n\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_q: {\n\t\t\t\t\\__str_get:N \\__data  \\__tldeserialize_dot:NV \\__data \\__data\n\t\t\t\t\\__data\n\t\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:e { r }\n\t\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__put_next_tmp {\n\t\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:e { r }\n\t\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_r: {\n\t\t\t\t\\__str_get:N \\__target  \\__tldeserialize_dot:NV \\__target \\__target\n\t\t\t\t\\expandafter \\__put_next_tmp \\__target\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_s: #1 {\n\t\t\t\t\\__send_content:e { r }\n\t\t\t\t\\__tlserialize_nodot:Nn \\__tmp { #1 } \\__send_content%naive_send%:e {\\unexpanded\\expandafter{ \\__tmp } }\n\t\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_t: {\n\t\t\t\t\t\\exp_args:Nno \\use:nn { \\endlinechar-1 \\ior_get:NN \\__read_file \\__data \\endlinechar} {\\the\\endlinechar\\relax}\n\t\t\t\t\t\\__data\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__get_next_callback #1 {\n\t\t\t\t\t\\peek_analysis_map_break:n { \\pythonimmediatecontinue {^^J#1} }\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_u: {\n\t\t\t\t\t\\peek_analysis_map_inline:n {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\\__tlserialize_char_unchecked:nNnN {##2}##3{##1} \\__get_next_callback\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\t\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_v: {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\\__str_get:N \\__index \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\\expandafter \\expandafter \\expandafter \\pythonimmediatecontinuenoarg\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\\char_generate:nn {\\__index} {1}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_w: {\n\t\\__str_get:N \\__index \n\t\\expandafter \\expandafter \\expandafter \\pythonimmediatecontinuenoarg\n\t\t\\char_generate:nn {\\__index} {2}\n}\n'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_x: {\n\t\t\t\\exp_args:Nno \\use:nn { \\endlinechar-1 \\ior_get:NN \\__read_file \\__data \\endlinechar} {\\the\\endlinechar\\relax}\n\t\t\t\\__data\n\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:e { r }\n\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t}\n\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__put_next_tmpa {\n\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:e { r }\n\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t}\n\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_y: {\n\t\t\t\\exp_args:Nno \\use:nn { \\endlinechar-1 \\ior_get:NN \\__read_file \\__target \\endlinechar} {\\the\\endlinechar\\relax}\n\t\t\t\\expandafter \\__put_next_tmpa \\__target\n\t\t}\n\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\n\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_z: #1 {\n\t\t\t\\__send_content:e { r }\n\t\t\t\\__begingroup_setup_estr: \\__send_block%naive_send%:e { #1 } \\endgroup\n\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t}\n\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\\NewDocumentCommand \\__run_A: {o} {\n\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:e {\n\t\t\t\tr ^^J\n\t\t\t\t\\IfNoValueTF {#1} {\n\t\t\t\t\t0\n\t\t\t\t} {\n\t\t\t\t\t\\unexpanded{1 #1}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t}\n\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\\NewDocumentCommand \\__run_B: {o} {\n\t\t\t\\__send_content:e { r }\n\t\t\t\\IfNoValueTF {#1} {\n\t\t\t\t\\__begingroup_setup_estr: \\__send_block%naive_send%:e { 0 } \\endgroup\n\t\t\t} {\n\t\t\t\t\\__begingroup_setup_estr: \\__send_block%naive_send%:e { 1 #1 } \\endgroup\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t}\n\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\\NewDocumentCommand \\__run_C: {v} {\n\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:n {\n\t\t\t\tr ^^J\n\t\t\t\t#1\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t}\n\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\\precattl_exec:n {\n\t\t\t\\NewDocumentCommand \\__run_D: {+v} {\n\t\t\t\t\\__send_content:e { r }\n\t\t\t\t\\str_set:Nn \\l_tmpa_tl { #1 }\n\t\t\t\t\\str_replace_all:Nnn \\l_tmpa_tl { \\cO\\^^M } { ^^J }\n\t\t\t\t\\__send_block%naive_send%:e { \\l_tmpa_tl }\n\t\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_E: {\n\t\t\t\\begingroup\n\t\t\t\t\\endlinechar=-1~\n\t\t\t\t\\__str_get:N \\__line \n\t\t\t\t\\__str_get:N \\__identifier \n\t\t\t\t\\cs_new_protected:cpx {\\__line} {\n\t\t\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:e { i \\__identifier }\n\t\t\t\t\t\\unexpanded{\\__read_do_one_command:}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\\endgroup\n\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:e { r }\n\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t}\n\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_F: {\n\t\t\t\\begingroup\n\t\t\t\t\\endlinechar=-1~\n\t\t\t\t\\readline \\__read_file to \\__line\n\t\t\t\t\\readline \\__read_file to \\__identifier\n\t\t\t\t\\exp_args:Ncx \\renewcommand {\\__line} {\n\t\t\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:e { i \\__identifier }\n\t\t\t\t\t\\unexpanded{\\__read_do_one_command:}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\\exp_args:Nc \\MakeRobust {\\__line}  % also make the command global\n\t\t\t\\endgroup\n\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:e { r }\n\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t}\n\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_G: {\n\t\t\t\\__str_get:N \\__line \n\t\t\t\\__str_get:N \\__begin_identifier \n\t\t\t\\__str_get:N \\__end_identifier \n\t\t\t\\use:x {\n\t\t\t\t\\noexpand\\newenvironment\n\t\t\t\t\t{\\__line}\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:e { i \\__begin_identifier }\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\\unexpanded{\\__read_do_one_command:}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:e { i \\__end_identifier }\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\\unexpanded{\\__read_do_one_command:}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:e { r }\n\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t}\n\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_H: {\n\t\t\t\\__str_get:N \\__line \n\t\t\t\\__str_get:N \\__identifier \n\t\t\t\\use:x {\n\t\t\t\t\\noexpand\\newenvironment\n\t\t\t\t\t{\\__line}\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:e { i \\__identifier }\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t{}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:e { r }\n\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t}\n\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_I: {\n\t\t\t\\exp_args:Nno \\use:nn { \\endlinechar-1 \\ior_get:NN \\__read_file \\__content \\endlinechar} {\\the\\endlinechar\\relax}\n\t\t\t\\exp_args:Nx \\pythonimmediatecontinue { \\__content }\n\t\t}\n\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_J: #1 {\n\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:n {\n\t\t\t\tr #1\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t}\n\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_K: {\n\t\t\t\t\\begingroup\n\t\t\t\t\t\\endlinechar=-1~\n\t\t\t\t\t\\readline \\__read_file to \\__line\n\t\t\t\t\t\\cs_undefine:c {u8:\\__line}\n\t\t\t\t\\endgroup\n\t\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:e { r }\n\t\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, "\n\t\t\t\\precattl_exec:n {\n\t\t\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_L: {\n\t\t\t\t\t\\__str_get:N \\__line \n\t\t\t\t\t\\global \\catcode \\expandafter`\\__line = \\cctab_item:Nn  \\c_document_cctab {\\expandafter`\\__line} \\relax\n\t\t\t\t\t\\int_compare:nNnT {\\catcode \\expandafter`\\__line} = {13} {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\\expandafter \\token_if_eq_charcode:NNTF \\__line \\cO\\~ {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t% restore ~'s original meaning\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\\global \\def \\cA\\~ { \\nobreakspace {} }\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t% not sure what to do here\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\\msg_error:nn {pythonimmediate} {internal-error}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:e { r }\n\t\t\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t"), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_M: {\n\t\t\t\t\\saveenvreinsert \\__tmp {\n\t\t\t\t\t\\__send_content:e { r }\n\t\t\t\t\t\\__send_block:V \\__tmp %naive_flush%\n\t\t\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_N: {\n\t\t\t\t\\__str_get:N \\__line \n\t\t\t\t\\exp_args:Nno \\use:nn { \\endlinechar-1 \\ior_get:NN \\__read_file \\__value \\endlinechar} {\\the\\endlinechar\\relax}\n\t\t\t\t\\tl_set_eq:cN {\\__line} \\__value\n\t\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:e { r }\n\t\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_O: {\n\t\t\t\t\t\\begingroup\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\\endlinechar=-1~\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\\readline \\__read_file to \\__line\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\\readline \\__read_file to \\__identifier\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\\cs_gset_protected:cpx {u8:\\__line} {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:e { i \\__identifier }\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\\unexpanded{\\__read_do_one_command:}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\\endgroup\n\t\t\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:e { r }\n\t\t\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t'), functools.partial(<function naive_replace>, '\n\t\t\t\t\\cs_new_protected:Npn \\__run_P: {\n\t\t\t\t\t\\begingroup\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\\endlinechar=-1~\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\\readline \\__read_file to \\__line\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\\readline \\__read_file to \\__identifier\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\\global \\catcode \\expandafter`\\__line \\active\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\\use:x {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\\protected \\gdef\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\\expandafter \\expandafter \\expandafter \\noexpand \\char_generate:nn{\\expandafter`\\__line}{13}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:e { i \\__identifier }\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\\unexpanded{\\__read_do_one_command:}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\\endgroup\n\t\t\t\t\t\\__send_content%naive_send%:e { r }\n\t\t\t\t\t\\__read_do_one_command:\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t')]

Internal constant. Contains functions that takes an engine object and returns some code before substitute_private() is applied on it.

pythonimmediate.build_Python_call_TeX(T: Type, TeX_code: str, *, recursive: bool = True, sync: Optional[bool] = None, finish: bool = False) None[source]

Internal function. See scan_Python_call_TeX().

T has the form Callable[[T1, T2], Tuple[U1, U2]] where the Tx are subclasses of PyToTeXData and the Ux are subclasses of TeXToPyData

The Tuple[…] can optionally be a single type, then it is almost equivalent to a tuple of one element It can also be None

pythonimmediate.can_be_mangled_to(original: str, mangled: str) bool[source]

If original is put in a \(\TeX\) file, read in other catcode regime (possibly drop trailing spaces/tabs), and then sent through \write (possibly convert control characters to ^^-notation), is it possible that the written content is equal to mangled?

The function is somewhat tolerant (might return True in some cases where False should be returned), but not too tolerant.


>>> can_be_mangled_to("a\n", "a\n")
>>> can_be_mangled_to("\n", "\n")
>>> can_be_mangled_to("\t\n", "\n")
>>> can_be_mangled_to("\t\n", "\t\n")
>>> can_be_mangled_to("\t\n", "^^I\n")
>>> can_be_mangled_to("\ta\n", "^^Ia\n")
>>> can_be_mangled_to("a b\n", "a b\n")
>>> can_be_mangled_to("a b  \n", "a b\n")
>>> can_be_mangled_to("a\n", "b\n")
pythonimmediate.check_line(line: str, *, braces: bool, newline: bool, continue_: Optional[bool]) None[source]

check user-provided line before sending to TeX for execution

pythonimmediate.continue_until_passed_back(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) None[source]

Same as continue_until_passed_back_str() but nothing can be returned from TeX to Python.

pythonimmediate.continue_until_passed_back_str(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) str[source]


First put some tokens in the input stream that includes \pythonimmediatecontinue{...} (or %sync% \__read_do_one_command:), then call continue_until_passed_back().

The function will only return when the \pythonimmediatecontinue is called.

pythonimmediate.debug(*args, **kwargs)
pythonimmediate.define_Python_call_TeX(TeX_code: str, ptt_argtypes: List[Type[PyToTeXData]], ttp_argtypes: List[Type[TeXToPyData]], *, recursive: bool = True, sync: Optional[bool] = None, finish: bool = False) Tuple[Callable[[Engine], str], PythonCallTeXFunctionType][source]

Internal function.

TeX_code should be some expl3 code that defines a function with name %name% that when called should:
  • run some \(\TeX\)-code (which includes reading the arguments, if any)

  • do the following if sync:
    • send r to Python (equivalently write %sync%)

    • send whatever needed for the output (as in ttp_argtypes)

  • call \__read_do_one_command: iff not finish.

This is allowed to contain the following: * %name%: the name of the function to be defined as explained above. * %read_arg0(var_name)%, %read_arg1(…)%: will be expanded to code that reads the input. * %send_arg0(…)%, %send_arg1(…)%: will be expanded to code that sends the content. * %send_arg0_var(var_name)%, %send_arg1_var(…)%: will be expanded to code that sends the content in the variable. * %optional_sync%: expanded to code that writes r (to sync), if sync is True. * %naive_flush% and %naive_inline%: as explained in mark_bootstrap_naive_replace().

(although usually you don’t need to explicitly write this, it’s embedded in the send*() command of the last argument, or %sync%)

ptt_argtypes: list of argument types to be sent from Python to TeX (i.e. input of the TeX function)

ttp_argtypes: list of argument types to be sent from TeX to Python (i.e. output of the TeX function)

recursive: whether the TeX_code might call another Python function. Default to True.

It does not hurt to always specify True, but performance would be a bit slower.

sync: whether the Python function need to wait for the TeX function to finish.

Required if ttp_argtypes is not empty. This should be left to be the default None most of the time. (which will make it always sync if debugging, otherwise only sync if needed i.e. there’s some output)

finish: Include this if and only if \__read_do_one_command: is omitted.

Normally this is not needed, but it can be used as a slight optimization; and it’s needed internally to implement run_none_finish among others. For each TeX-call-Python layer, emph{exactly one} finish call can be made. If the function itself doesn’t call any finish call (which happens most of the time), then the wrapper will call run_none_finish.

Return some TeX code to be executed, and a Python function object that when called will call the TeX function on the passed-in TeX engine and return the result.

Note that the TeX_code must eventually be executed on the corresponding engine for the program to work correctly.

Possible optimizations:
  • the r is not needed if not recursive and ttp_argtypes is nonempty

    (the output itself tells Python when the \(\TeX\)-code finished)

  • the first line of the output may be on the same line as the r itself (done, use TTPEmbeddedLine type, although a bit hacky)

pythonimmediate.define_TeX_call_Python(f: Callable[[...], None], name: Optional[str] = None, argtypes: Optional[List[Type[TeXToPyData]]] = None, identifier: Optional[str] = None) Callable[[Engine], str][source]

This function setups some internal data structure, and returns the \(\TeX\)-code to be executed on the \(\TeX\)-side to define the macro.

f: the Python function to be executed. It should take some arguments plus a keyword argument engine and eventually (optionally) call one of the _finish functions.

name: the macro name on the \(\TeX\)-side. This should only consist of letter characters in expl3 catcode regime.

argtypes: list of argument types. If it’s None it will be automatically deduced from the function f’s signature.

Returns: some code (to be executed in expl3 catcode regime) as explained above.

pythonimmediate.define_internal_handler(f: Callable) Callable[source]

define a TeX function with TeX name = f.__name__ that calls f().

this does not define the specified function in any particular engine, just add them to the bootstrap_code.

essert self.process is not None, “process is already closed!”

pythonimmediate.eval_with_linecache(code: str, globals: Dict[str, Any]) Any[source]
pythonimmediate.exec_or_eval_with_linecache(code: str, globals: dict, mode: str) Any[source]
pythonimmediate.exec_with_linecache(code: str, globals: Dict[str, Any]) None[source]
pythonimmediate.expand_once(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) None[source]

Expand the following content in the input stream once.

For example, if the following tokens in the input stream are \iffalse 1 \else 2 \fi, then after expand_once() being called once, the tokens in the input stream will be 2 \fi.

pythonimmediate.export_function_to_module(f: FunctionType) FunctionType[source]

the functions decorated with this decorator are accessible from user code with

import pythonimmediate pythonimmediate.⟨function name⟩(…)

pythonimmediate.get_bootstrap_code(engine: Engine) str[source]

Return the bootstrap code for an engine.

This is before the call to substitute_private().

pythonimmediate.get_random_identifier() str[source]
pythonimmediate.have_naive_replace(code: str) bool[source]
pythonimmediate.mark_bootstrap(code: str) None[source]
pythonimmediate.mark_bootstrap_naive_replace(code: str) None[source]

Similar to mark_bootstrap(), but code may contain one of the following:

  • %naive_inline: replaced with ^^J \__naive_flush_data:

    if Engine.config.naive_flush is True, else become empty

  • %naive_flush%: replaced with \__send_content:e {\__naive_flush_data:}

    if Engine.config.naive_flush is True

pythonimmediate.naive_replace(code: str, naive_flush: bool, /) str[source]
pythonimmediate.naive_replace(code: str, engine: Engine, /) str
pythonimmediate.normalize_line(line: str) str[source]
pythonimmediate.parse_meaning_str(s: str) Optional[Tuple[Catcode, str]][source]
pythonimmediate.peek_next_meaning(engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) str[source]

Get the meaning of the following token, as a string, using the current \escapechar.

This is recommended over peek_next_token() as it will not tokenize an extra token.

It’s undefined behavior if there’s a newline (\newlinechar or ^^J, the latter is OS-specific) in the meaning string.

pythonimmediate.postprocess_send_code(s: str, put_sync: bool) str[source] TTPEBlock, engine: Engine) None[source]
pythonimmediate.pyc(code: TTPEBlock, engine: Engine) None[source]
pythonimmediate.pycq(code: TTPEBlock, engine: Engine) None[source]
pythonimmediate.pyfile(filename: TTPELine, engine: Engine) None[source]
pythonimmediate.random_identifiers() Iterator[str][source]
pythonimmediate.read_block(engine: Engine) str[source]

Internal function to read one block sent from :math:`TeX`(including the final delimiter line, but the delimiter line is not returned)

pythonimmediate.readline(engine: Engine) str[source]
pythonimmediate.run_block_finish(block: str, engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) None[source]
pythonimmediate.run_block_local(block: str, engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) None[source]
pythonimmediate.run_code_redirect_print_TeX(f: Callable[[], Any], engine: Engine) None[source]
pythonimmediate.run_main_loop(engine: Engine) Optional[str][source]
pythonimmediate.run_main_loop_get_return_one(engine: Engine) str[source]

Internal function.

run_error_finish is fatal to \(\TeX\), so we only run it when it’s fatal to Python.

We want to make sure the Python traceback is printed strictly before run_error_finish() is called, so that the Python traceback is not interleaved with \(\TeX\) error messages.

pythonimmediate.run_tokenized_line_peek(line: str, *, check_braces: bool = True, check_newline: bool = True, check_continue: bool = True, engine: ~pythonimmediate.engine.Engine = <pythonimmediate.engine.DefaultEngine object>) str[source]
pythonimmediate.scan_Python_call_TeX(sourcecode: str) None[source]

Internal function.

Scan the file in filename for occurrences of typing.cast(T, Python_call_TeX_local(...)), then call build_Python_call_TeX(T, ...) for each occurrence.

The way the whole thing work is:

  • In the Python code, some typing.cast(T, Python_call_TeX_local(...)) are used.

  • This function is called on all the library source codes to scan for those occurrences, build necessary data structures for the Python_call_TeX_local() function calls to work correctly.

  • When Python_call_TeX_local() is actually called, it does some magic to return the correct function.

Done this way, the type checking works correctly and it’s not necessary to define global temporary variables.

Don’t use this function on untrusted code.

pythonimmediate.scan_Python_call_TeX_module(name: str) None[source]

Internal function. Can be used as scan_Python_call_TeX_module(__name__) to scan the current module.

pythonimmediate.send_bootstrap_code(engine: Engine) None[source]
pythonimmediate.send_finish(s: str, engine: Engine) None[source]
pythonimmediate.send_raw(s: str, engine: Engine) None[source]
pythonimmediate.substitute_private(code: str) str[source]
pythonimmediate.surround_delimiter(block: str) str[source]
pythonimmediate.template_substitute(template: str, pattern: str, substitute: Union[str, Callable[[Match], str]], optional: bool = False) str[source]

pattern is a regex

pythonimmediate.user_documentation(x: T1) T1[source]
pythonimmediate.wrap_naive_replace(code: str) Callable[[Engine], str][source]